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Egyptian Astrology: What's Your Sign?

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Astrology and zodiac signs were introduced to Egyptians at the end of 4th century B.C. During ancient Egypt, temple priests used astrology to predict famines, floods and climate. When Alexander the Great occupied Egypt in 332 BCE, Greek culture had an impact on their astrology system. Egyptians adopted the 12 Greek zodiac signs, however, to maintain their individuality, Egyptians named each sign after a god and goddess, with exception to the Nile, instead of using Greek constellations. In addition, time periods were divided into decans, 3 10-day periods in a year, 365 days. These periods developed 36 decans in a year, with 5 extra days for rituals and festivals.

Interested in knowing your Egyptian sign, check out the decans below to find your birthday and Egyptian zodiac sign:

Zodiac Sign #1: Nile/Satis

Decan: Jan. 1-7, June 19-28, Sept 1-7, Nov 18-26

Nile River

The Nile is the only Egyptian zodiac sign not named by a god or goddess, but was chosen as a sign due to being a vital source of life for Egyptians. At times, it is associated with Hapi, god of Nile River source. People born under this sign have the following traits:

  • Practical, calm, wise, analytical, insightful observers.

  • Due to its connection with water, this sign has deep feelings which can manifest as passion, impulsiveness and domineering attitude.

  • Nile sign has many characteristics similar to Western astrology earth sign Capricorn.

Zodiac Sign #2: Amun-Ra

Decan: Jan. 8-21, Feb 1-11

Egyptian god Amun-Ra

Amun-Ra is credited as the King of the Gods and is known as god of creation. People born under this zodiac sign have personality traits such as:

  • Natural leaders with an aura of royalty.

  • Optimistic, confident, strong faith in self to accomplish their hopes and dreams.

  • People born under Amun-Ra sign may have difficulty expressing their emotions and feelings, are secretive and keep their distance.

  • Amun-Ra shares many similarities to Western astrology earth sign Taurus.

Zodiac Sign #3: Mut

Decan: Jan. 22-31, Sept. 8-22

Hieroglyphic of goddess Mut

The Divine Mother, AKA Mother of the World, is goddess Mut. This goddess is known for her nurturing and protective nature. People born under the sign of goddess Mut are:

  • Affectionate, loyal, caring, charming and patient.

  • Possess deep wisdom and practical mind.

  • Good career occupations for this sign include teachers and advocates.

  • Goddess Mut people may be shy, sensitive and take time to open up to people.

  • Western astrology water sign Scorpio shares similarities with this Egyptian sign.

Zodiac Sign #4: Geb

Decan: Feb. 12-29, Aug. 20-31

God of Earth Geb

Egyptian god Geb rules over earth. Geb's dominion over earth was so powerful legend has it his laugh incited earthquakes. People born under this sign possess the following traits:

  • Natural empathetic people with an ability to intuit people's moods and feelings.

  • Highly intelligent, trustworthy and reliable.

  • Geb signs can struggle with setting boundaries and anxious about making everyone happy.

  • Great career choices for this sign include counselors and writers.

  • Aquarius western zodiac air sign shares many similarities with this sign.

Zodiac Sign #5: Osiris

Decan: Mar. 1-10, Nov. 27 - Dec. 18

Egyptian god Osiris & goddess Isis

Dualistic Egyptian god Osiris rules over the underworld and rebirth. People born in this decan tend to be complex and possess the following traits:

  • Strong and vulnerable, individualistic and passionate, determined to succeed and generous with others.

  • Natural leaders with strong opinions and lots of energy.

  • Due to their fiery temperament, people born under this sign can be hot headed, restless and generally put themselves first.

  • This decan shares many traits with western astrology fire sign Aries, the Ram.

Zodiac Sign #6: Isis/Aset

Decan: Mar. 11-31, Oct. 18-29, Dec. 19-31

Egyptian goddess Isis nursing Horus, god of the sky

One of the most famous and revered Egyptian goddesses, Isis AKA Aset, is mother of nature. Also considered goddess of healing and magic, Isis is known for her ability to create and destroy life. Isis was married to her brother Osiris and was mother to Horus. People born under this decan are:

  • Nurturing, excellent hosts and go to person for advice.

  • Great sense of humor and straightforward who excel in the art, marketing and entertainment industries.

  • Can also be demanding and often misunderstood as playing martyr due to their generosity and sense of duty.

  • Western astrology water sign Pisces, the fish, shares many similarities with this sign.

Zodiac Sign #7: Thoth

Decan: Apr. 1-19, Nov. 8-17

Egyptian god Thoth

God of the moon and knowledge, Thoth was also responsible for learning, writing and science fields. People born under this zodiac sign possess:

  • A deep interest in learning and gaining knowledge

  • Excellent leaders who make natural teachers, journalists and mentors.

  • Highly intelligent who at times can be very opinionated and have difficulty listening to other people's ideas.

  • This zodiac sign shares many commonalities with Western astrology earth sign Virgo.

Zodiac Sign #8: Horus

Decan: Apr. 20 - May 7, Aug. 12-19

Egyptian god Horus, son of Osiris and Isis

Horus is considered protector of Egyptian pharaohs and god of the sky. Horus people possess the following personality traits:

  • Strong sense of duty of family and community.

  • Hard workers, intelligent and courageous.

  • Can be stubborn and have a perception of being a bully due to their strong will and desire for things to go their way.

  • Western air sign Libra, the scales, shares similarities with Horus sign.

Zodiac Sign #9: Anubis

Decan: May 8-27, June 29 - July 13

Egyptian god Anubis

Anubis is considered the guardian of the underworld and god over mummification. Anubis signs tend to be:

  • Introverted people who have a preference for deep relationships over casual ones.

  • Confident, creative, honest and curious.

  • Due to their affiliation with the underworld, Anubis signs are comfortable with the darker aspects of life with an interest in medicine, education and psychology.

  • This sign is closely associated with western fire sign Leo the lion.

Zodiac Sign #10: Seth

Decan: May 28 - June 18, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2

From Left to Right: Anubis, Seth, Horus & Hathor

God of chaos and violence, Seth zodiac sign is associated with perfectionism, adventure and finding the thrill in life. People born under this sign:

  • Love change who set high goals for themselves and are relentless in accomplishing those goals.

  • This god differentiates from other Egyptian gods and goddess due to its maleficent nature with a need to balance between chaos and perfection to prevent backfires and burning down their lives.

  • Western zodiac air sign Gemini is associated with this Egyptian sign.

Zodiac Sign #11: Bastet

Decan: July 14-28, Sept. 23-27, Oct. 3-17

Statute of Bastet

Goddess of cats and pleasure, Bastet is protective of women and has dominion over fertility and love. People born under this sign:

  • Value balance and peace and want to have a good time.

  • Loyal, gentle and charming who are fascinated with the occult and difficult to read.

  • Bastet people can be clingy, possessive and sensitive.

  • This Egyptian sign is closely associated with water sign Cancer the crab.

Zodiac Sign #12: Sekhmet

Decan: July 29 - Aug. 11, Oct. 30 - Nov. 7

Statute of Egyptian goddess Sekhmet

Another duality sign is Sekhmet, goddess of healing and war. People born under this sign are intriguing due to their dual personality traits:

  • Outgoing, carefree and fun who can also be perfectionists, disciplined and strict.

  • People born under this sign command respect and see obstacles as learning opportunities.

  • Excel in careers such as leaders and judges.

  • Due to their extreme polarities, it's important for Sekhmet people to practice balance.

  • This sign is closely associated with Western astrology fire sign Sagittarius.


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